The cover letter is a letter in which we highlight our skills and qualities. When it is well written, it increases the candidate's chances of getting the job they are applying for. Let's discover in this article the secrets of writing a good cover letter.
The structuring of a successful cover letter
It is in the first paragraph that you must clearly define the reason why you are writing to the company. You should therefore specify the recruitment advert to which you are responding, as well as indicating the position you wish to apply for. Also, you have the possibility to give some details. If, for example, you are applying for the vacancy on the recommendation of an employee of the recruiting company, this is the time to give their name.
The second part is the main part of the letter. You can start by presenting your academic and or professional background. After that, highlight your skills. It is very important to show at this stage why your skills are important for the company. A small tip is to base your argument on the competences that are desired in the recruitment advertisement. Go to this link for more information.
In the third part of the letter show the company that you know a lot about them and that you are particularly interested in them. Needless to say, you should do some research on the company in order to succeed in this step. Finally, all that remains is for you to let your recruiter know that you are completely available to come to them to give additional information.
Errors not to commit in a cover letter
The first of the things to avoid is getting the wrong recipient. It sounds trivial, but it is very easy to misspell the recruiter's name without even knowing it. So read your letter several times to avoid offending your recipient by misspelling their name. Secondly, you should avoid using standard cover letters to write your own. Also avoid making gratuitous statements. In your letter you should be able to justify each of your statements.
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